✨ fresh batch of STAR SEED FLYING OINTMENT just dropped! ✨
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Ethnobotany Walk • Tucson, AZ • April 8th, 2023

$22.00 - $44.00

Surprise! The wildflowers are popping up, and so is a SPRING PLANT WALK, live & direct in Tucson, Arizona!! • April 8th, 2023 • 10am-noon

This is not just an EDIBLE & MEDICINAL plant walk- join us for a lively jaunt, exploring the history, folklore, phytochemistry, practical medicine, first aid applications, poetic notions, and all around awesomeness of the local Sonoran desert terrain in it's current, well-hydrated buoyancy!!

Expand your breadth of connection with some of our favorites :: opuntia a.k.a. nopal cactus, tobacco, scarlet globemallow, ocotillo, barrel cactus, saguaro, and so many more... This plant walk is tailored to span all levels of botanical familiarity... come with your curiosities, sun hats, a nice tall thermos of water, and snacks!

Our stroll will run about 2 hours on the west edge of Tucson, and be held on a partially paved walkway for ease of accessibility. Feel free to bring your lunch, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings after our walk.

Join us! Group size is limited, so pre-registration is kindly requested. Upon sign-up, you will be emailed our exact meet-up location on the west side of Tucson. Children are free! First nations people of the southwest are free!

*This is a fundraiser for my upcoming self-funded trip overseas to speak at Breaking Convention, and continue my Amanita m. research in the UK! Thanks in advance for your support!