✨ fresh batch of STAR SEED FLYING OINTMENT just dropped! ✨
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love thy cacti 🌵 elixir


A spirited Summer Solstice tonic to tap the wellspring of heart.

This recipe came through me as a flash of lightning... after being visited by a deer twice a day for four days in a row leading up to this peak experience! The indications are simple & profound - revealing the love of water and the Water of Love that is hidden in plain sight here in the desert, housed in the juicy, PEA-rich flesh of all cacti.

This is another IYKYK blend, made with the utmost love and tenderness. After growing 🌵 for well over a decade, the ok finally came through to formulate in this gentle way. Every cactus in this elixir lives just outside my front door, yard-grown & ranch-wild, set with a touch of cats claw acacia honey, organic spirits, and shungite water.

🦌🌵💧 Night Blooming Cereus, Saguaro fresh fruit juice - flower & thorn essence, Prickly pear fresh fruit juice - flower & thorn essence, Huåchumå (only 1/7th of the complete formula)

15ml glass bottle. A little goes a long way.

* As always, consult with your trusted, high-integrity healthcare provider (or garden gnome) before engaging with any new protocols, herbal, fungal, or otherwise!

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." 😉

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