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Autumn Special ☀︎ Food of the Gourds ☀︎ Pumpkin-Spice Shroom Mylk


For all you lovers of Summer's SuperStarberryMylk - An Autumnal remedy to right all the pumpkin spice corporate-cafe wrongs...

Real PUMPKIN meets the highest grade pre-extracted TREMELLA MUSHROOM extract, creamy MARSHMALLOW root, a dash of cinnamony SPICED goodness, and organic OAT for a luscious, ready-to-swirl-up powder. Organic, no filler ingredients, and no added sugars whatsoever.

Simply blend with hot water, sweeten to taste with maple syrup or honey as you see fit, and enjoy!!!

There is a reason "pumpkin spice" is so popular at this time of year! Aromatics like cinnamon and nutmeg stoke the fire within, lending themselves to improved digestive and blood-flow abilities as the weather cools around us...

Pumpkins are not just for carving!! This beautiful gourd is super easy to digest, and provides gentle fiber and sustenance as we build our inner-hearth and home body for the coming season.

Tremella mushroom tends to the tissues - a deep hydrator of those interstitial spaces, our beautiful skin... the softness that holds the bones in a warm, fluidic embrace. This is a literal and figurative support for the strength that comes in flexibility.

Marshmallow root moistens and nourishes our beautiful mucosa- a key element in immunity protocols that is all to often overlooked!! Tend to the terrain and you shall be fortified...

Mush could be said! But the bottom line is - THIS IS DELICIOUS!!

Packaged in an 8 oz. volume (5 oz. weight) amber glass jar. 7+ full servings.